Carbon Steel Wok vs. Non-Stick – Which One Should You Choose?

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Admit it, you’re getting confused, right?

There’s so TOO many options.

I was in your same position at one point – stuck with choice overload.

If you’ve been looking to get a new wok, and you’ve already done some research, then you probably feel like that. With that said, you’re here to know which one to choose, carbon steel or non-stick?

In this article, I’m going to show you both the pros and cons of each, comparing them, so you can make your own decision. Let’s get started, shall we?

Should You Use a Non-Stick Wok?

non stick wok

Non-stick cookware is everywhere, if you go to any household, you’re likely to find a non-stick pan somewhere in the kitchen area. And for a good reason – convenience. For example, when you’re cooking food at lower temperatures than, you would rather not have to worry about sticking.

A great example that I use often is pancakes – especially the ones that you make from scratch. Sometimes leaving the pan on low temperature for a long time can actually result in sticking because of the liquid content.

Something to keep in mind, though, is that just because a non-stick pan is convenient, it doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily the best option.

Pros and Cons of a Non-stick Wok

non stick walk with food


It’s Easy to Use

Non-stick cookware is no fuss, you don’t really have to think about much when cooking with them. You just know that stuff won’t stick, regardless of what you cook on it.

It Requires No Maintenance

Unlike cast iron or carbon steel, where you have to season them to maintain them, non-stick doesn’t require any kind of upkeep, all you have to do is rinse them, and you’re pretty much done.

You Can Use Less Oil

It’s non-stick, so you don’t have to use as much oil as you’d use in other types of cookware to stop your food from sticking to your pan.

It’s Easy to Clean

Since pretty much nothing sticks to your pan, cleaning them is also super easy. Just rinse them in warm water for a minute and gently it with a sponge, and you’re good to go.


You Have to Baby Your Wok

When you’re cleaning a non-stick wok, let it cool down for a bit, then always remember to use hot water. If you shock the surface by using cold water, you might damage the coating. Also, don’t use any harsh scrubber on it, or you’ll definitely ruin the non-stick coating.

Can’t Use High Heat

Non-stick coating (PTFE/Teflon) has an upper limit of 500 °F (260 °C), higher than that, and you’ll burn the coating. Wok cooking usually happens at 650+ °F, I’m sure you can see why teflon and wok don’t usually go together.

The Non-Stick Coating Might Go Into Your Food

If you accidentally scrape or burn off some bits of the coating, it might end up in your food. I’m sure you would rather not ingest that.

You’ll Have to Replace It Anyway

Even if you treat it perfectly, don’t scratch it and don’t use high heat. Eventually, you’ll have to replace it in, typically, 3-5 years. That’s because the constant heating and cooling expands and contracts the metal, which means it also expands and contracts the coating, making it weaker and diminishing the non-stick capabilities.

Pros and Cons of a Carbon Steel Wok

carbon steel wok on high heat fire


It’s Lightweight

Carbon steel is similar to cast iron, but much lighter. And since most carbon steel woks are about 1.5-2 mm thick, it’s super lightweight and easy to handle.

It’s Very Durable

These woks are almost impossible to ruin. The only way you could ruin them is if you physically bend them out of shape or drill a hole in it. Families are using the same carbon steel wok for generations, cooking thousands of meals for their kids, parents, and friends.

It Heats Very Quick

Carbon steel heats up fairly quickly compared to cast iron, and since a wok is quite thin, it will heat even quicker on high heat. Carbon steel woks were designed to be used on super high heat, most restaurants use 100,000 BTUs, in comparison even the most powerful household stovetops only reach about 30,000 BTUs.

Easier To Clean Than You Think

Oftentimes people think that carbon steel is a hard process, but in reality it’s not. Cleaning especially is way easier than most, all you need for carbon steel cookware is a chainmail scrubber (I use this one from Amazon) to remove any bits of carbon build-up you might have. In wok cooking, a bamboo brush is also used and works just as well.

Toxic Free Non-Stick

By seasoning it regularly and maintaining it, you can effectively get a non-stick like surface that will prevent most food from sticking with the right technique and practices. And this surface is naturally created by seasoning and cooking food with it, meaning, there’s no risk of toxic chemicals ending up in your food.


You Have to Season It

To maintain that non-stick like surface, you have to keep it seasoned. That means you have to clean it manually and keep doing some maintenance seasonings from time to time.

It May Rust If You Don’t Maintain It

Raw steel in contact with moisture and oxygen will react and get rusty if you don’t maintain it regularly. But don’t worry, even if it’s rusted all over, you can still restore it to brand new. We have a guide on how to do remove rust from carbon steel.

You Can’t Put It In The Dishwasher

You should only clean your carbon steel wok manually, if you put it into the dishwasher you will end up removing all the seasoning, and it may rust all over.

Acidic Ingredients

Simmering acidic ingredients in a wok don’t usually happen, so it’s not a big concern, however if you intend to do it, remember that it could remove all the seasoning you’ve built up.


Wok cooking is something many people enjoy, a proper wok creates delicious and healthy dishes quickly.

I hope this article about the pros and cons of carbon steel and non-stick woks has been helpful, and I’ve made your choice easier.

If you still can’t decide which wok to buy, I recommend you to go with carbon steel because it can handle super high heat, it’s very durable and the natural non-stick surface is not toxic.

Just remember to maintain it regularly, clean it really well, and you’ll have the perfect wok for cooking delicious fried rice, stir-fry, soup, and anything else you’d like to make.